HSA/FSA Payments
Gale offers a hosted payment payment page to integrate HSA and FSA payments into your checkout.
We offer two HSA/FSA payment products.
Auto substantiation for eligible products
eCommerce stores that sell HSA/FSA eligible items, can automatically approve HSA and FSA cards at the point of purchase without the need for additional documentation.
The IRS requires that you have an Inventory Information Approval System (IIAS) in place. Gale has this inventory system built into our platform.
Letter of Medical Necessity
eCommerce stores that sell ‘dual purpose products’ can accept HSA and FSA cards as a form of payment if the user has a Letter of Medical Necessity from a physician.
A Dual purpose product are items that have both a medical purpose and a personal, cosmetic, or general health purpose (e.g. sleep, nutrition, exercise, and more).
Gale has has an easy way for your users to obtain a Letter of Medical Necessity embedded into our checkout experience.